Starting projects and programs

Project Management


Errors in project initiation and planning often double or even triple the costs during implementation. Incorrect assumptions, overgeneralized requirements, imprecise goals or reliance on suppositions often lead to a number of problems and barriers to implementation. They often demand going back and redoing the project in part or even starting from scratch which unnecessarily wastes time and other resources.

Our Answer

That is why we offer our clients a professional start-up service. Our experienced consultants will provide the right approach, tools and a critical look at the project's design. We will take care of all aspects of the project, including:

  • Defining the objectives and measures for their achievement,
  • gather, analyze and unify the expectations of the sponsor and key stakeholders in the project,
  • develop the concept for achieving goals,
  • set up the project and the team structures as well as establish project governance,
  • gather data, analyze it and plan for risk mitigation,
  • establish the complete and precise scope of the project, its decomposition into tasks (WBS) and their planning (scheduling),
  • prepare the documentation necessary for further implementation of the project (eg. schedule, budget, scope, risk register).

Value for the Client

In addition to the obvious benefits such as cheaper and faster project execution, our clients also benefit from:

  • the ability to train their own staff by participating in the project initiation and planning process,
  • reduced risk of failure of the project,
  • an independent and objective approach to the project that ensures fair reporting of problems and risks,
  • a constructive approach towards goals and out of the box thinking.

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